Tuesday, November 22, 2011


I have some of the best.

So often, family is something I've taken for granted, and I really shouldn't. I forget that not everyone, not even most people, are so blessed as to have what I have. I've grown to be much more appreciative and aware of what I've been given, especially now since I live across the country from most of them. I only saw my family twice last year, roughly 3 weeks out of the whole 52! And yes, I wish it could be all of them. It's definitely hard, and something I never thought I could do, but the distance makes our times together that much fuller and sweeter. 
We are a big, loud, opinionated, joyful bunch of people when we all get together. And we are also best friends. We get to dream together, and watch each others dreams come true. We believe in each other & fight for each other, but that's the way family should be, right? Sadly, the world we live in says otherwise. I guess I just so believe in family and what it's meant to be. And I want to be a part in changing the way our culture views the modern family.

{front: Leon E., David E., James, Luke, Lee W., Eleanor S., Jesse S., Josiah S.}
{Back: Bethany E., Maggie, Molly, Mom, Dad, Me, Rachel, Allison S.}

Here's to being thankful for for the amazing family I've been given!


  1. Thanks for sharing...i have always enjoyed the family Christmas letter n pic. Its now been 26-27 yrs,,,,denise cole

  2. love it! I SO believe in family also! you are changing culture jules. love you girl and love our fam!
